How to Regain Control of Your Life and Stop Putting Yourself Last

Sometimes life can be overwhelming. You probably have too much on your plate, and eventually something falls by the wayside. Usually, this is your needs. You complete tasks and attend to chores for other people, but never for yourself. This is why you may be feeling so drained, anxious, and lost. So how do you change this and start putting your needs first? Here are some tips from The Good News Doctor to help you get started.

Growth Mindset

Some of the worlds most successful entrepreneurs and leaders talk about developing a growth mindset. There is science behind how having a growth mindset can improve motivation, and this can give you the life you want. This positive way of thinking will lead you to the life you deserve and allow you to take the time you need to nurture yourself. So how do you get a growth mindset? Well, apply some of these principles: 

Find your ‘why.’ This is an important part and should be the first step towards setting and achieving goals.

Use ‘yet’ in your vocabulary. ’Yet’ is a powerful word and it can change a negative concept or attitude into a positive one. 

Turn challenges into opportunities. Giving yourself time to work on difficult situations is a vital part of improving your life. For each challenge you face, think about what it can teach you. 

Don’t Forget About Yourself

This can be tricky if you have a demanding job or you study extremely hard to achieve your goals. However, the most successful people in the world don’t work until they are exhausted. They maintain a good work/home balance, and schedule time for themselves on the weekends, to recharge, relax and be ready to tackle the week ahead with energy and motivation.

One way to give yourself the time you deserve is to schedule a massage. There are plenty of massage therapists where you can book weekly or monthly sessions.

Another way to improve your self-care is to join a gym or some sort of fitness class, like CrossFit or SALT Fitness Studio. Simply going for a walk can boost your endorphins, enhancing your health. If you live in an area with a high walk score, choose to walk to shops, meals, and appointments instead of driving. Not only will you save on gas money, you’ll get exercise and reduce some of your daily road rage.

Take Back Your Time

It’s difficult to have time for yourself if you don’t make time for yourself, so embrace some behavioral changes to recover your time. It’s critical that you organize and schedule your day, particularly accounting for when you are most productive. Do your best to eliminate distractions and cut back on activities that can monopolize your time. Lastly, become comfortable with telling others “No,” when you feel like you can’t accomplish or accommodate something.

Prevent Burnout

Dissatisfaction in your work could result in poor performance, fatigue, unhappiness, and overall negativity. It is hard to develop a growth mindset in a job you hate, so how do you change this and prevent burnout? One option is to work for yourself or try working from home.

When working from home, maintaining a supportive, healthy environment is critical. Try bringing in some more indoor plants to clear the air, and make sure they have plenty of natural light. Be sure that you have plenty of nutritious snacks available as well as good drinking water. In times of stress, it can also help to have a quiet space to retreat to.

Working from home is hard but also rewarding. If you have kids, you’ll have the flexibility to be there for them when needed. Some tips for working at home if you have children include:

• Creating a separate office where you can work without interruption. 

• Hiring a nanny to look after the kids and fetch them from school when you are busy.

• Signing up for a fresh meal delivery service, or meal kits, so that you don’t have to put too much time and effort into cooking.

Another option is to look for work elsewhere. If you haven’t updated your resume in some time, use a free resume builder to get started. Once complete, you can confidently apply to new jobs knowing you have a professional resume that stands out.

Stop Losing Focus and Stay in Control

Once you stop putting yourself last, you’ll notice how quickly your life improves and rediscover your motivation. Learning to prioritize what’s truly important gives you focus and helps you live a better life. And for help achieving your health-related goals, work with the doctors at The Good News Doctor. They will work with you to create a personalized and natural approach to your healthcare needs.

Written by: Jill Palmer of Mental Wellness Center

Photo Credit: Dmitriy Ganin via Pexels


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